News ID: 225
Publish Date : 15 August 2017 - 09:28

Iran’s motorcycle market is ready for the global investment

Iran’s motorcycle market has a very good potential for production and supply and the major motorcycle companies can have a long term planning for export-oriented productions.
Khodrocar – Since 50 years ago, Iran’s motorcycle industry started to make a name for itself and today it can continue to grow due to the presence of famous and major motorcycle companies in the country.

Motorcycle market showed that young people are very keen to ride motorcycles.

On the other hand, because of the prohibition of motorcycle imports, this industry is ready to sign contracts for assembly and production of motorcycles domestically.

Abolfazl Hejazi, Head of Motorcycle Association of Iran, told Khodrocar journalist regarding the needs of motorcycle industry’s growth by the government and the presence of business partners: In recent years, the growth of this industry was not convincing and it requires the cooperation of a professional team, so the future Minister will not be able to take all the responsibilities himself.

He continues: We should consider the internal capacity and infrastructure quality to determine the standards. At the moment, the quality of gasoline is not good and the application of standards in this field will only increase the costs for the consumer.

Hejazi emphasizes: Rules should be developed in the field of export-oriented production and, on the other hand, the factories’ field of activity should be planned on the basis of this kind of production.

Head of Motorcycle Association of Iran mentioned the impact of economic stability on productive activities and added: Unfortunately the Ministry of Industry, Mining and Trade didn’t pay enough attention to the Motorcycle Industry in the Strategic Plan and a comprehensive program for motorcycles needs to be developed.